On May 20-21, 2005 the European IST consortium, in which ARC Fund is one of the partners, organized in Romania a Brokerage Event with participating organizations (universities, R&D institutes, and companies) from the eight partner countries (Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, France, Romania, Poland), as well as from Israel, Germany and Ireland. The European IST consortium is aimed at creating a network for the IST research community across Europe to maximize the number of proposal submitted within FP6.
The aim of the international matchmaking event in Brasov was to offer participants the opportunity to exchange ideas, form partnerships and build consortia for the development of new projects applicable to the 5th Call of the IST priority of the 6th Framework Program, as well as to help and promote research organizations from the New Member States (NMS) of the EU and the Associate Candidate Countries (ACC) that can be used successfully to prepare the research community for the forthcoming 7th Framework Program of EC.
The meetings took place near the city of Brasov (in the Carpathian Mountains) in excellent working and leisure conditions provided by the Romanian organizers of the brokerage event – the Romanian software association, ARIES.
For information about this event, or other European IST activities, please contact Ms. Nadia Riachi at the e-Bulgaria ISPO.