ARC FUND / Events / E-Democracy 2017: An Essay Writing Contest Launched by Bulgaria Development Gateway

E-Democracy 2017: An Essay Writing Contest Launched by Bulgaria Development Gateway

The Bulgaria Development Gateway, under the auspices of the Minister of Public Administration, Mr. Dimitar Kalchev, and together with the Coordination Center on ICT, the Information Centre of the Council of Europe in Sofia and Dnevnik Daily jointly organized an online essay writing contest dedicated to the topic of “E-Democracy 2017: Challenges to Political Parties and Civil Society”. The contest was the second one which Bulgaria Development Gateway organized after “A Million For Development” competition which attracted more than 60 participants in 2003.

The penetration of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the business world, in households and everyday life have already significantly transformed the functioning of the market economy, giving rise to new organizational forms and business models. To many it is simply inconceivable to imagine everyday life without access to Internet, mobile communications or other electronic devices. Governments around the world successfully provide electronic services to citizens and business enterprises.


Despite these changes, one particular area remains seemingly unaffected by the impact of new technologies – democracy itself, or the mechanisms of democratic governance and citizens’ participation in policy- and decision-making.

Most analysts forecast the situation will change in the next 10-15 years. There are multiple paths to this change – from simple optimization of the election process and greater transparency and citizens’ involvement to a more radical change in the mechanisms of democratic governance. The processes of democratic reform bring about significant benefits but can pose a few threats and challenges as well.

The ability to cope with these challenges is closely related to the ability to foresee the changes and create feasible scenarios of the future. Therefore, the essay contest looked toward the year 2017 – a year in which Bulgaria could foreseeable take over the presidency of the European Union.

During 2004 the Council of Europe focused the international community’s attention on the issues of e-democracy in its recommendations Rec (2004)11 and 15. The Council’s Green Paper on the future of democracy in Europe (2004) discusses various opportunities for improving democratic governance.


The Bulgaria Development Gateway and its partners launched this essay writing contest in order to invigorate the public debate and foresight thinking for shaping the future of e-democracy and e-governance in Bulgaria. The contest called for fresh ideas, hypotheses and arguments about what democracy in Bulgaria could, and should look like by the year 2017, taking into account the projected growth in ICT penetration and usage. Participants in the contest were asked to reflect on how these developments could affect traditional political parties and what strategies they needed to design in order to adequately respond to the needs of citizens in Bulgaria and the EU over the next decade.


The essays that were submitted by the deadline, 10th May 2005, presented many interesting scenarios of the future of e-democracy in Bulgaria, discussed the main challenges facing political parties and civil society, and offered possible policy alternatives to development. Most of the presenetd essays demonstrated original approaches and visionary thinking.

The essay writing contest was targeted at the young people of Bulgaria, although there were no age limits to participation. All essays that were uploaded to the Bulgaria Development Gateway portal were evaluated by a panel of jurors comprised of the following representatives of key public agencies, international organizations, journalists and academics:

Dr. Emil Tzenkov, Director, Council of Europe Information Centre – Sofia
Ass. Prof. Antoni Todorov, New Bulgarian University
Mr. Roumen Trifonov, Advisor to the Minister of Public Administration
Mr. Georgi Varchev, Coordination Centre on ICT, Council of Ministers
Mr. Krassimir Benevski, IT Coordinator, UNDP-Bulgaria
Mr. Georgi Kourtev, Communications Associate, World Bank Regional Office, Zagreb
Mr. Georgi Apostolov, Content Manager, Bulgaria Development Gateway
Ms. Daniela Stefanov, Dnevnik Daily

The jury awarded three grand prizes in the competition as follows:

The first prize went to Mr. Georgi Prodanov, a PhD student at the Sofia University Department of Political Sciences.

The runner-up was Ms. Teodora Radoeva, a student in European studies also at Sofia University.

The third prize was awarded to Mr. Lyubomir Vassilev, a 31-year-old lawyer with interests in political analyses and literary writing.

The authors of 14 competing essays were invited to take part in a round table discussion which ARC Fund organized on May 20, 2005. The event brought together over 30 participants – leading experts in political science, information technologies and international relations.

Further details about the e-Democracy 2017 contest are available at this website (only in Bulgarian)

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