On April 5-6, 2005 in Sofia the Information Society and Media Directorate General of the European Commission (EC) organized, in cooperation with the Bulgarian Ministry of Transport and Communications, a training seminar on “The Project Cycle: Technological, Administrative, Financial and Juridical Aspects of the FP6/IST Projects Preparation and Completion”. ARC Fund was one of the co-organizers of this event, together with the Ministry of Education and Scienceand ICT Development Agency.
The training seminar was the third in a series of three events designed to facilitate the participation in the Information Society Technologies (IST) thematic priority of the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) in the Enlarged Europe. The previous seminars were held in Vilnius (Lithuania) for participants from Northern Europe, and Bratislava (Slovakia) for participants from Central Europe. The training event in Sofia took place on 5-6 April 2005 at Hotel Pricess, and brought together participants from the countries of Southern Europe, such as Romania, Turkey, Cyprus, FYROM, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, and other countries from the Community neighbourhood and Mediterranean policy.
Prominent speakers from DG Information Society and Media presented the FP6 and IST background, the rules and conditions of participation, and provided valuable know-how in the preparation, submission, negotiation and implementation of successful projects. Successful participants in FP6 projects, evaluators, National Contact Points (NCPs) and government officials from Bulgaria shared their experience with the seminar participants.
Dedicated website of the seminar (incl. links to presentations and list of participants)
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