ARC Fund, the host organization of the e-Bulgaria Information Society Propmotion Office and Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgariaorganized jointly with the Ministry of Transport and Communications and Web Gate Ltd. a sectoral meeting for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) companies and an Information Day to boost Bulgarian companies’ and research organizations’ participation into the European Union’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), “Information Society Technologies” priority. The event took place on February 15, 2005 .
The event’s agenda was mainly focused on the upcoming 4th call for proposals under the Sixth Framework Programme, the “Information Society Technologies” priority.
The Information Day was moderated by Prof. Kiril Boyanov from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Ms. Sonya Spassova – FP6 National Contact Point at the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), who focused her presentation on the basics of the theory and practice of FP6 IST thematic priority – from its very beginning through to Call 4.
Important issues on strengthening the European Research Area (ERA) were outlined by Ms. Totka Chernaeva of MTC who is also national Delegate to the ISTC Information Society Technologies Committee.
The themes were further elaborated by representatives of the European Commission, namely
Dr. Octavian Purcarea – Scientific Officer, ICT for Health Unit DG INFSO, who presented the European eHealth Area.
The forthcoming 5th IST Call of 6th Framework Programme was presented by Mr. Jesús Villasante – Head of Unit, European Commission, Information Society Directorate General, Software Technologies and Distributed Systems.
Participants in the event were also made familiar by Dr. Ilva Huber, External Officer of CORDIS, Austria, with the wide range of opportunities that the CORDIS website provides on past, current and future project and initiatives under the EC framework programs.
Examples of the on-going initiatives supported under the FP6 IST thematic priority were presented, namely the IDEAL-IST project along with an overview of the potential of the Bulgarian software companies made by Mr. Sharkov – president of BASSCOM – the Bulgarian Association of the Software Companies.
The Innovation Relay Center and Information Society Promotion Office had prepared information packages for the participants in the event – CD ROMs with the presentations of the speakers, extensive information on the FP6 Call 4 in IST, as well as a catalog of offers and requests in the field of information and communications technologies derived from the Europe-wide IRC Network of 71 technology-brokerage centers.
The presentations by ARC Fund were targeted to dissemination of information, awareness raising and provoking interest in the SMEs and the R&D community aiming to enhance their future participation in FP6 and in the IST thematic priority in particular. A series of current initiatives, in which ARC Fund is involved, designed to enhance the participation of Bulgarian SMEs and RTOs in the IST thematic priority of FP6 were highlighted in the presentation delivered by Ms. Nadejda Riachi, Coordinator of the Information Society Promotion Office. The GET-IN, European IST and IST BONUS projects were among these initiatives. The success of the event was scored by the large number of participants who approached the speakers for further information on the possibilities for benefiting from these on-going initiatives.
Designed as a sector meeting of ICT companies, the event also highlighted the technology and innovation needs of the Bulgarian companies in the field. Mr. Angel Milev, Coordinator of IRC-Bulgaria, presented in detail the variety of services provided by IRC-Bulgaria designed to enhance their technological and innovative capacity through the opportunities that the entire IRC network offers. The overall objective of this sector meeting was to facilitate the contacts between the business and the RTD organizations in the sector.
The event was also used for dissemination of IS related printed material such as the Information Society newsletter, and for promoting the idea of e-Europe.
Information Society Technologies in the 6th Framework Programme – Mrs. Sonia Spasova, NCP, Ministry of Transport and Communications
Strengthening the Research Integration in the IT in the enlarged Europe – Mrs. Totka Chernaeva, National Delegate in ISTC
FP6 Call 4 – ICT for Health eHealth Action plan – Octavian Purcarea, Scientific Officer Unit C4 – ICT for Health, Directorate C – Miniaturisation, Embedded Systems, Societal Applications
Information about the Fifth IST Call – Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit D3: Software Technologies and Distributed Systems, Directorate D – Communication Networks, Security & Software Applications
Strategic Objective 2.5.5; Software and Services : focus and objectives – Jesus Villasante, Head of Unit D3: Software Technologies and Distributed Systems, Directorate D – Communication Networks, Security & Software Applications
IDEAL-IST Project – Dr. Sylvia Ilieva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Get-in and European IST projects – Mrs. Nadejda Riachi, Information Society Promotion Office
Benefit form CORDIS – Dr. Ylva Huber, CORDIS External Collaborator, Austria
Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria – Mr. Angel Milev, Programme Manager, ARC Fund, Coordinator of IRC-Bulgaria
WebGate – Ms.Victoria Dodeva, WebGate Ltd.
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