On June 23-24, 2005 ARC Fund organized a training seminar for researchers and SMEs in the field of the “Sustainable Development, Global Changes and Ecosystems”.
The training was delivered by Dr. Manfred Schuetze, Institut fuer Automation und Kommunikation e.V. Magdeburg (IFAK), Germany.
The overall aim of the event was to encourage the participation of researchers from new EU member states (NMS) and accession candidate countries (ACC) so as to be able write professional and competitive proposals for the “Sustainable Development, Global Changes and Ecosystems”.
The tailor-made training sessions were specifically orientated to increase SMEs participation in EC activities. Knowledge and skills were provided to the trainees that will permit them to write successful proposals and increase their access to relevant information about EU initiates and projects.
This training was a part of a series of seminars under the project ERA ENV .
The training covered the following topics:
• Instruments with the area of Sustainable Development, Global Changes and Ecosystems” (PDF, 208 KB)
• Information on the 4th call within the Priority “Sustainable Development, Global Changes and Ecosystems” (PDF, 112 KB)
• How to develop a successful proposal? (PDF, 256 KB)
• Proposal evaluation and negotiation (PDF, 208 KB)
• Project management (PDF, 224 KB)
• Outlook on future calls / on FP7 (PDF, 160 KB)
A discussion on the problems of proposal writing and individual consultation on FP6 were made at the training session.
Agenda of the training sessions
Project Web site
List of participants
For further information, please refer to Ms. Teodora Georgieva.
tel.: (02) 986 7557, or fax: (02) 980 1833