ARC FUND / Publications / Online violence prevention guidebook available in English

Online violence prevention guidebook available in English

The Bulgarian Safer Internet Centre translated into English the guidebook for teachers developed in the framework of the project “Real and Virtual Violence: Prevention by Interactive Education in Schools”.

The project co-funded by the EC and the Swiss Oak Foundation was nominated to the “Project of the Year” competition of Tulip Foundation of the Netherlands for the best social project in Bulgaria in 2008.

The “Real and Virtual Violence” project started in 2007 and from 2008 some 70 trained educators are teaching the prevention course in 40 schools in Sofia and Varna.

A team of pedagogues, psychologists, IT and safer Internet experts developed the methodological guidebook which was officially approved by the Ministry of Education for use in schools. The guidebook contains 25 lessons based on interactive games, discussion and brainstorming sessions for 5 to 12 graders. Each lesson combines real and virtual life topics in the field of violence recognition, coping with online risks and aggression.