MSc. Economics and business management,
University of National and World Economy, Sofia
MSc. Hydro engineer, University of Architecture,
Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia
English, Français
Daniela Tchonkova is managing the Innovation and Business Support program of ARC Fund. She has over 20 years of experience in EU project management. Her professional interests and expertise are in the field of scientific research, innovation, green transformation, sustainable development and business clusters at micro level (SMEs) and macro level (policies).
Her expertise at micro level features a portfolio of support and advisory services to SMEs in the field of innovation, green transformation, sustainable business models and Industry 4.0. She is innovation management consultant licensed by the IMP3rove Academy/ATKerney. Daniela delivers individual coaching as well as training and capacity building seminars to businesses and other stakeholders in the areas of her expertise.
Daniela coordinates the work of the Enterprise Europe Network in Bulgaria, participates in the EEN Steering and Advisory Committee (SAG) with a mandate in the 7-member SAG Bureau – a body commissioned by the SAG – to liaise on its behalf with DG Grow and EASME/EISMEA. She acts as EEN Thematic Contact Point on clusters, research and innovation. Daniela is member of the Monitoring Committee of the Education and Science for Smart Growth Operational Program.
At the macro level, her experience and interests are related to the development and analysis of innovation policies, smart specialization strategies, cluster policies. She supports the development of plans with measures to improve the effectiveness of a range of financial and strategic instruments for SMEs, including the National Innovation Fund. Daniela also works on innovation and new business models based on the values of the urban agriculture ecosystem.
Research Focus
Innovation, Industry 4.0, business clusters, sustainable development, smart specialization
Topics of Interest
- Innovation
- Industry 4.0
- Business clusters
- Sustainable development
- Smart specialization