Innovation and business

ARC Fund coordinates, through its subsidiary ARC Consulting, the Enterprise Europe Network for Bulgaria. The Network supports SMEs to improve their positions on the international market. EEN-Bulgaria further advises businesses, research and industry organizations on the Framework Programs of the EU, including the European Innovation Council, facilitates the establishment of international partnerships, enhances the SMEs’ capacity to manage their innovative processes, to transform digital or sustainable, and introduce resilient business models. The target group of EEN-Bulgaria includes SMEs with high potential for growth or development of innovation. The services are open to enterprises from all sectors of economic activity. The portfolio of services includes access to finance, partner search, sustainability consulting, digital transformation, introduction of sustainable business models.

Digitization of small and medium enterprises

In a large-scale European survey, organized and conducted by experts of the Applied Research and Communication Found, regarding the level of digital maturity and the need for innovative training of manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises, the main challenges to the introduction of digital technologies were highlighted, among which are: Lack of clear and correctly identified priorities at the European level regarding the real needs of the business; Shortage of highly qualified workforce; Underestimated amount of investments in the construction of “smart” factories; Lack of...

Laboratory for “wind” ideas

In June, the first expert discussion within the framework of the “Wind” Ideas Lab: Just and effective development of wind energy in North-East Bulgaria” (within JustWind4All) was held. The topic was specifically dedicated to spatial planning approaches for wind development acceleration zones. The meeting was attended by representatives of municipalities in Bulgaria and leading wind associations and investors, as well as individual independent researchers. In the course of the discussion, a two-stage approach to mapping and identifying Renewable Energy Accelerated Zones was...

New methodology for evaluation of the Operational Plan of the National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research

In the last months, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES) and experts from ARC Fund have collected and analysed good European and international practices for monitoring and evaluation of public policies and programs. On the basis of a developed list of strategic, programme and other related documents at national, regional and sectoral level, indicators and metrics have been identified against which research policy assessments have been established. As a result of the good practices, a new methodology was developed to evaluate the implementation of the Operational...

Training on Japanese business culture and traditions

The “Get ready for Japan” training will take place onsite again after a break due to the pandemic. The event has a long history, dating back to 1987. During this period, the initiative has provided over 600 European companies with knowledge of Japanese cultural values and the opportunity to experience the formula for success in the Japanese market. In 2023, the two-week programme will take place from 15 to 26 May in Tokyo, Japan. The training is designed for SMEs, with a focus on business management, successful business practices and negotiation styles with local businesses. It...

Ministry of Education and Science and ARC Fund update the Operational Plan of the National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research

Research and innovation have an essential role to play in creating and sustaining an inclusive, competitive and resilient Europe, by increasing the sustainability of manufacturing sectors, making the economy more competitive and increasing cooperation between science, government and business. As a result of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine, Bulgaria is facing medium to long-term labour shortages, as well as a lack of necessary skills and competences among its human capital, caused by an ageing population and high level of emigration. The wide spreading demographic crisis is a key challenge...

Expert Council and Innovation Business Club Meeting

On 17 March 2023, meetings of the Innovation Expert Council and the Innovation Business Club of the Applied Research and Communications Fund will be held. These meetings are an independent but complementary part of the Innovation in Agribusiness event programme, a joint initiative of the Faculty of Economics of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, the Applied Research and Communications Fund, CleanTech Bulgaria, and the Professional Association of Robotics and Automation (PARA). The activities of the Expert Council and the Business Club are an integral part of the preparation of the annual...

A survey to increase digital competence in the agricultural sector

The Bulgarian and European digital innovation hub for agriculture, (AgroDigiRise), whose partner is the Applied Research and Communications Fund, is conducting a survey to build its diverse portfolio for the development of the sector by providing access to technology solutions and a range of services to support digital transformation. Creating an enabling business environment requires consideration of needs and coordination between all stakeholders and actors – institutions, science, business and farmers. The initiative will provide free trainings and services to farmers...

Urban agriculture – policies and good practices

Urban agriculture is a global and rapidly growing trend with great potential for green, social and technological innovation. This process is relatively new, unfamiliar and challenging for policy makers who need to rethink existing regulatory frameworks and policies on urban planning, land use, green spaces and infrastructure to develop a more integrated policy framework. CityZen is an INTERREG Europe Program project that promotes urban farming policies and their key role in better resource efficiency in cities. To this end, eight organisations from five EU regions have joined forces and...

Handbook: ‘DIY vertical garden for urban farming’

Experts, students and volunteers from civic initiatives have developed DIY kits for vertical mini urban gardens under the CityZen urban farming initiative of the Applied Research and Communications Fund, Sofia Development Association and Sofia Green Program. The guide provides an opportunity for anyone with the tools at hand to create a calming space with a visual connection to nature in their home or office. The benefits of urban farming are numerous and go far beyond aestheticizing the surroundings. Gardens contribute to better air quality, reduce noise, save resources and shorten the path... 2022

The report provides an annual assessment of the innovation potential of the Bulgarian economy and the state and development opportunities of the Bulgarian innovation system. It contains recommendations for improving public policy on innovation in Bulgaria and in the EU, drawing on the latest theoretical and empirical research and taking into account the specific economic, political, cultural and institutional framework in which the country’s innovation system develops. The 2022 report notes that in 2022, the EU will have the highest innovation performance in...