ARC FUND / Experts / Slavyanka Ivanova

Slavyanka Ivanova

Slavyanka Ivanova

Senior Analyst, Science, Technology and Innovation Policy program


Master’s degree in Sociology,
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”



Slavyanka has nearly thirty years of experience in social and marketing research. She has been part of the team of the Applied Research and Communications Foundation since 2023. She works on projects related to civic participation and the integration of people in the “silver age” into the labor market, with a main focus on women.

From 2020 to 2024, Slavyanka is a freelance researcher. Previously, she worked at the National Public Opinion Center as a researcher (1990-2000), at MBMD as a researcher and senior researcher (2003-2004), at Vitosha Research as an analyst, senior analyst and project manager (2004-2014), at the Sociology Program of the Center for the Study of Democracy as a senior analyst (2014-2017) and at Noema as a senior analyst (2018-2020). Her main areas of specialization are social assessments and social surveys, concerning both the population and the state, private and non-governmental sectors. She has participated in more than 100 research projects, social and economic, media and marketing surveys and public opinion surveys.

Slavyanka is the author of a number of research methodologies and research reports in the field of integration of vulnerable groups, ethnic integration, combating domestic and gender-based violence, protection of children’s rights and the rights of LGBTIQ people.

Research Focus

The situation of vulnerable groups, labor market integration, civic participation, problems of people in the “silver age”, gender issues.

Topics of Interest

• Educational integration
• Labor market integration
• Child’s rights
• Combating domestic violence
• LGBTQ+ rights
• Social problems in medicine and pharmacy
• Social and health aspects of agriculture