RTIT>> Project Meeting & Training Program held in Nikšić

From 19 to 20 November 2024 representatives of the RTIT>> consortium including experts from the ARC Fund participated in a meeting and training in Niksic, Montenegro. The event brought together experts from 12 partner organizations and one associate strategic partner. The aim was to discuss important topics in the field of new technology transfer and innovation policies, with a special emphasis on new materials, by creating a more favorable environment for scientific research. The program also included interactive joint seminars focusing on European innovation policies and good...

Energy citizenship survey with over 10,000 participants

ARC Fund has coordinated the development and implementation of an online survey, in which more than 10,000 citizens from 19 European countries participated. The survey was designed with the support of partners from nine countries involved in the EnergyPROSPECTS project – Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Spain, and The Netherlands. In each country, at least 1,000 citizens completed the questionnaire. Additional 1,000 respondents were recruited from 10 other European countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Turkey, and United...

State-of-the-art on inclusive labor markets for vulnerable groups

ARC Fund, in collaboration with its partners in SYNCLUSIVE from Finland, Portugal, and the Netherlands, developed a state-of-the-art report presenting current insights and research on inclusive labor markets for vulnerable groups in Europe, specifically in four countries – Bulgaria, Finland, Portugal, and the Netherlands.  The insights address current challenges, barriers, and opportunities for disadvantaged groups’ inclusion. The report discusses the main vulnerable groups in the labour market, the stakeholders engaged in including vulnerable groups in the labour market, the...

Realist Evaluation

ARC Fund representatives, together with colleagues from Portugal, the Netherlands, Ireland, and Bulgaria, underwent a two-day intensive training on Realist Evaluation Research. The training was part of the SYNCLUSIVE project and took place at the ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon in Portugal. The Realist research methodology aims to uncover the fundamental mechanisms which explain how and why programs work in specific circumstances, emphasising the significance of context, mechanisms, and outcomes. To be more precise, “This mechanism produces this outcome in this particular...

An inclusive labour market for vulnerable groups

In recent years, the European Union has been facing substantial challenges in its labor markets. This is primarily as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, mixed with geopolitical uncertainty, rapid energy transitions, technological developments, and an ageing population. Vulnerable groups are particularly impacted by these challenges. It is critical to support them and begin working towards a more inclusive labor market, ensuring that no one falls behind.  ARC Fund, in collaboration with 16 organizations from Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, and Portugal, launched...

Just and effective governance for accelerating wind energy

The Horizon Europe project “Just and effective governance for accelerating wind energy“ (JustWind4All) is implemented by 12 European partners led by the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT). The main objective of the project is to support the development and governance of wind energy in a new fair and efficient way. Wind energy is considered a crucial energy source to lower GHG emissions and meet the 2030 objectives outlined by the European Union. Although Europe is investing in on- and offshore wind energy, more is needed. JustWind4All aims to support the acceleration of on...

Analysis of the implementation of the Operational Plan for the first stage 2018-2022 of the National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017-2030

The project “Analysis of the implementation of the Operational Plan for the first stage 2018-2022 of the National Strategy for Development of Scientific Research in the Republic of Bulgaria 2017-2030 and a proposal for its update in view of new European policies and the impact achieved in addressing societal challenges” is funded under the OP "Good Governance" within the Priority Axis "Efficient and Professional Management in Partnership with Civil Society and Business" and under the Procedure "Increasing the Citizen Participation in the Processes of Implementation and Monitoring Policies and...

Advanced Manufacturing Assistance and Training for SME Transformation (ADMA TranS4MErs)

ADMA TranS4MErs is a ?5.6M project funded by Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union, building on the work of ADMA, the European Advanced Manufacturing Support Centre. The project was officially launched on 1st October 2021. The project will run for 3 years and will be implemented by a consortium of 38 partners from the 27 European Union member states. Coordinated by the Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR), ADMA TranS4MErs brings a pan-European multi-partner cooperation together, including research and technology organizations, universities, industry...

Efficient support services portfolios for SMEs (ESSPO)

The aim of the “Efficient support services portfolios for SMEs” (ESSPO) project is to improve the regional competitiveness policies for SMEs and their engagement with innovation activities in the regions participating in the project. Еnhancement of the public services for SMEs along with improvement of the economic indicators on regional level are expected. ESSPO builds on the achievements of the successfully completed project project which developed a repository of good practices and approaches for programming, implementation and monitoring of Smart Specialisation Strategies. The project is...

Efficient and Transparent Smart Specialization Policy of Bulgaria 2021–2027

The project is funded under the OP “Good Governance” within the Priority Axis “Efficient and Professional Management in Partnership with Civil Society and Business” and under the Procedure “Increasing the Citizen Participation in the Processes of Policy Making, Implementation and Monitoring”. Innovations are a key factor for growth and competitiveness. European initiatives and developed countries’ practices confirm the need for sustainable, innovation-oriented behaviour as the only possible approach to maintaining high competitiveness...

Hidden innovation: Analysis of research and innovation activity that remains uncovered by official statistics

he project “Hidden Innovation: Analysis of Research and Innovation Activity, which remains uncovered by official statistics” is implemented with financial support amounting to EUR 7,833 provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main goal of the project is to investigate the reasons for not submitting data on the research and innovation activity of SMEs, and to propose to the state authorities measures to solve this problem. The project is funded by the Scheme for Small Initiatives under Thematic Priority No. 1: “Improving the...