ARC Fund took part in the Business Innovation Forum titled European and National Science-Funding Programs organized by the Ministry of Education and Science on December 13 – 14, 2004 at the Hilton Hotel in Sofia. The objective of the Forum was to discuss the major problems and obstacles that the industry faces in participating in national and EU framework programs. Participants in the forum got familiar with the existing research-funding instruments with a special emphasis on enhancing the links between academia and industry.
In parallel to the Forum an exhibition was organized where innovation and science related projects presented their achievements and experience gained. The Forum wrapped-up with a roundtable discussion between all stakeholder groups drawing conclusions on the barriers to the efficient SMEs participation in scientific projects and suggesting ways for facing the present-day challenges through future joint collaboration. As the main organizer of the Forum, the Ministry of Education and Science presented its forthcoming initiatives foreseen to be launched in 2005.
In support to the objective of the Business Innovation Forum ARC Fund presented its current and upcoming initiatives designed to enhance and support the SMEs’ participation in the various thematic priority areas under the EU Sixth Framework Program(FP6). All SMEs interested in participating in FP6 are strongly encouraged to contact ARC Fund and take advantage of the actions targeted at building capacity among SMEs and research organisations to develop and manage FP6 projects.
PowerPoint presentations of ARC Fund’s initiatives presented at the forum:
SARA project
GET-IN project
ITE project
QualityMeat ptoject
Links to the respective projects and initiatives:
SARA project
GET-IN project
ITE project
QualityMeat ptoject
For more information on initiatives providing support to SMEs and research organizations please contact
Ms. Teodora Georgieva, or Ms. Christina Nedeva.