ARC FUND / Events / Event “Why participate in the 2019 Innovative Enterprise of the Year Contest?”

Event “Why participate in the 2019 Innovative Enterprise of the Year Contest?”

Be sure to meet the winners and finalists of the competition and find out why it’s worth applying to the 15th edition of the initiative!

How has the award presented by the President of Bulgaria, media support and meetings with new business partners helped our winners?

How has IMProve evaluation of companies’ innovation management improved their competitiveness in international markets?

How is the Excellence in Innovation label of the Applied Research and Communications Fund?

How do market leaders and startups enter into direct competition and prove their innovation? 

What is the Excellence in Innovation label of the Applied Research and Communications Fund?

How do market leaders and startups enter into direct competition and prove their innovation?

And last but not least – who are the competition’s biggest stars and are our discoveries?

Come and hear about the successes and challenges of the Bulgarian innovation and entrepreneurship community!

And don’t forget, the deadline for registration in the Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2019 Competition is 15 October!

Free entry. Register on the FB event or by email at