At the Sixteenth International Scientific Conference “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education and Business” representatives of the Ministry of Economy, the Executive Agency for SME Promotion, the Executive Agency “Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”, the Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria and the Ministry of Education and Science commented on the new policies for promoting entrepreneurship.
Bulgarian and scientists from several European universities presented the results of more than 60 studies in the field of human resources development, digitalization of the economy, smart specialization, circular economy, education.
At the round table “The Entrepreneurial Environment in Bulgaria”, the members of the business club of the winners of the “Innovative Enterprise of the Year” Neven Boyanov, IT entrepreneur, and Gabriela Presolska, social entrepreneur, talked about the challenges in entrepreneurship.
Milen Ivanov, co-founder of CEO Club and Founder Institute Bulgaria, Dr. Marina Stefanova – expert in corporate social responsibility, Ioan Yankov from BESCO, Danail Kanchev, member of the Board of BAMP, Elitsa Stoilova, IT entrepreneur, and Hristo Petrov, founder of accounting firm Golden Vision, presented their experience and recommendations for the development of the community. The StudyHub Bulgaria shared learning space project team will present the initiative.
Visitors to the event also saw an exhibition of startups, business organizations and accelerator programs – CEO Club and Founder Institute Bulgaria, KAUZI Foundation, Tinusaur, Volontime Volunteer network for good deeds, Gradishte Foundation,, BESCO.
The Sixteenth International Scientific Conference “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education and Business” is organized by the International Business School in partnership with the Applied Research and Communications Fund, Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria, Association of Startups in Bulgaria-BESCO, BAPM, Founder Institute Bulgaria, SEO Club, Gradishte Foundation, KAUZI Foundation, Volontime volunteer social network for good deeds.
Media partners are, StartUP Navigator, Volunteering for Good magazine. Utilities, Computer world,, Business Club magazine.