ARC FUND / Events / Innovative bio-materials and their application in the Danube region was the topic of an international symposium in Linz, Austria

Innovative bio-materials and their application in the Danube region was the topic of an international symposium in Linz, Austria

Representatives of the ARC Fund and Industrial Cluster “Electromobiles” attended a symposium dedicated to the sustainable bioeconomy, which took place on October 13-14, 2024 in Linz, Austria. This event was part of the implementation of the project “Knowledge Communities to Accelerate the Transfer of Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation in the Danube Region” (RTIT>>).

The aim of the series of meetings “Circularity of bio-based materials” was to strengthen the interaction between scientific and economic environments in the Danube region, focusing on innovative materials and technologies.

The symposium was opened by the vice chancellor of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz (JKU Linz) Albert Bonani and the executive director of the Wood K Plus company, Boris Hulch. Experts from various fields presented innovative solutions and up-to-date data, emphasizing technical and socio-economic aspects.

Issues on research and development activities in the field, policies and European strategies, (social) life cycle assessment, safety and sustainability in design, living architecture, engineered living materials, reclaimed wood, water use for sustainable synthesis and material processing were discussed , as well as many other topics.

The RTIT>> project has a duration of 30 months and the results of the symposium will contribute to the development of an action plan to accelerate the transfer of research, technology and innovation in the region.