ARC FUND / Events / Launch of the Tenth National Contest ‘Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2014’

Launch of the Tenth National Contest ‘Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2014’

Applied Research and Communications Fund together with Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria and KIC InnoEnergy launch the Tenth National Contest ‘Innovative Enterprise of the Year 2014’. The contest is supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy and the European Commission Representation in Bulgaria.

The contest aims to demonstrate successful Bulgarian business models based on innovation and new technologies and to attract public attention to the achievements of Bulgarian enterprises in the area.

The contest editions are open to all active companies, without sector limitations, that have successfully developed and implemented an innovation for the past three years.

The Contest is held under the following categories:

Market Leadership (innovative product recognized on the international market)
Innovation Hub (process innovation implemented in number of clients)
Quality of life (innovation for improved quality of life for users )
Green innovation (innovation in the field of sustainable and environmentally sound development)
Sustainable innovative behavior (continuous innovative activity in the last 6 years)
Social innovation (new product, service or model that meet social needs and create new social relationships)
Innovative digital games (innovation in gaming industry)
Innovative start-up enterprise (up to three years from its creation)

For a first time this year a special award for Innovative solutions in sustainable energy will be provided by the contest’s organisers.

The winning companies will be awarded at a special ceremony during the Tenth National Innovation Forum in the beginning of December, 2014 in Sofia.

Innovative enterprises wishing to participate in the contest, can send their NOMINATION or NOMINATE ANOTHER COMPANY with a successful innovative product, process or service by completing the FOLLOWING REGISTRATION FORM

The deadline for nominations is 24:00 h on October 15, 2014.

Nominated companies will receive a participation form to be completed and returned by 15 October. The applications will be reviewed and evaluated by an expert panel and the finalists will be visited by the Applied Research and Communications Fund’s team.

Information about the previous edition of Innovative Enterprise of the Year in 2013

Information about all editions of Innovative Enterprise of the Year

For more information about the contest:

Denitsa Marinova , denitsa.marinova @
Metodi Naydenov , metodi.naydenov @
Tel . : +359 2 / 973 3000 ( ext. 437 and 434 )
Applied Research and Communications Fund
Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria