The Sixteenth International Scientific Conference “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education and Business” is a platform for the presentation of innovative theories, products and services. Experts, entrepreneurs and students will discuss the development of smart specialization of the Bulgarian economy and of science and education.
The conference modules are “Innovation – a source of competitive advantage”, “Entrepreneurship and creativity”, “Transformation of modern business models” and “Innovative solutions in education. Entrepreneurial Universities”. During the two conference days, scientific discussions and roundtables will be organized to exchange ideas and opportunities for cooperation between representatives of science, education and business.
The event is organized by the Applied Research and Communications Fund.
Read the preliminary programme and invitation to the event here. The conference will take place on 22-23 March 2019 in the building of the Center for Distance Learning at the IBS at the following address: Sofia, Vincent van Gogh Street 7.
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