The partner search mechanism offered by the QUALITYMEAT Project is open and free of charge to any parties interested in “Quality and Safety Meat Production” . The search mechanism is build with the aim to help researches and SMEs in preparing and submitting projects, so the information which is gathered in the database concerns those aspects of the Researcher’s or SME’s activities which are essential for preparing FP6 projects.
The partner search mechanism is available now at the web page of the project.
As a consortium member of this European project aiming to support researchers in their participation in the research Frammework Programmes we would strongly encourage you to fill in the Profile and send it back to . This would allow us to put your data and interest in participation in European initiatives into a project database on the internet, from which researchers with project ideas will be invited a veterinary conference scheduled to be organized in Poland, 7-8 June 2005. A special Info Day on Food priority and a brokerage event will be organised as a satellite vents to the conference. The aim of the brokerage event is to exchange ideas, experience, to promote research and to enable consortium-building for European projects.
Profile (doc, 113KB)
For additional information on the project:
Ms. Teodora Georgieva
tel.: (02) 986 7557, or fax: (02) 980 1833