The Applied Research and Communications Fund and the Ministry of Economy are working on the preparation of a Smart Specialisation Concept for Bulgaria for the next programming period 2021-2027.
We invite you on 22 and 23 July to an online focus group in Zoom with representatives of the research community and the business community from the different planning regions. The aim is to identify attitudes towards technological and economic profiling in the country and the results of smart specialisation policy. We look forward to your suggestions and ideas for policies in this area in the next programming period.
If you are willing and able to contribute, please e-mail Please let us know which region you are from and which organisation or company you represent.
The focus group is organized with the financial support of OP “Good Governance”, co-financed by the EU through the European Social Fund, under the project “Efficient and Transparent Smart Specialization Policy for Bulgaria 2021-2027”.