ARC FUND / Publications / Prof. Teodora Georgieva: The state has an important role to play in stimulating innovation activity in enterprises

Prof. Teodora Georgieva: The state has an important role to play in stimulating innovation activity in enterprises

Prof. Teodora Georgieva from the Applied Research and Communications Fund commented on the air of Investbook on Bloomberg TV Bulgaria why our country is lagging behind as a leader in innovation. She noted that although our country ranks penultimate in Europe in terms of innovation, this is the highest place Bulgaria has ever occupied in the European innovation ranking. However, our position is deteriorating, and there are several factors for this.

“The state has an important role to play in stimulating the innovation activity of enterprises,” the expert explained. She also said that retaining and developing its human resources should become a top priority.

Prof. Georgieva noted as a positive trend the drastic increase in the funding of research and innovation activities by the business, as well as the growth of the number of employees in this field, again in the private sector.

Read the detailed analysis on the topic in the video from the programme.

Professor Georgieva leads the team that compiles the annual report. Explore the latest edition of the report, titled Innovation through Talent.