ARC FUND / Publications / Prof. Teodora Georgieva: Innovations are not just “fashionable”, they are the only way to gain competitive advantages

Prof. Teodora Georgieva: Innovations are not just “fashionable”, they are the only way to gain competitive advantages

“Businesses are demonstrating an increasingly pronounced preparedness in the development of innovation projects, in winning external funding and in interacting with research and university units,” Prof. Georgieva stressed. Teodora Georgieva, an expert at the ARC Fund, in an interview for the June issue (issue 74, page 68) of Ikonomika magazine.

Ms. Georgieva said that the most innovative sectors not only in Bulgaria, but also in the world, are the high-tech ones. “In terms of the national case, the information and communication technologies sector deserves special attention. It is leading in a number of indicators, such as added value, growth in the share of GDP and exports, as well as in new products and services introduced.”

The expert called for entrepreneurship to enter programmes from primary grades, and for “proper” incentives for businesses to innovate. “Many countries have tax incentives for hiring highly skilled staff, for introducing or exporting new products and processes. The full implementation of e-government is also an important factor,” she stressed.

Read the interview online here.