ARC Fund was established in July 1991 as the first wave of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) appeared in the aftermath of the 1989 political changes in Bulgarian society. From the very beginning the organization defined its scope of activity in very specific terms: to conduct research, advocacy and training in the field of electronic media and telecommunications. Originally, the main objectives were:
- to assist the formulation of a modern institutional environment for broadcasting and telecommunications in Bulgaria
- to generate public awareness and support for the process of liberalization of the country’s telecommunications sector and electronic media
- to enhance the professional expertise of Bulgarian public officials, policy- and decision-makers in the field. Later, ARC Fund’s activities were refocused to reflect the advent of a global information society resulting from the convergence of media, computers and telecommunications.
Over the past two years, ARC Fund has maintained an NGOs Internet site where local and regional organizations can host their web pages, post information about events and initiatives, and exchange views and resources online.